- karansachdeva91@gmail.com
Hey there, aspiring digital marketing rockstars! Dreaming of making your mark in the UK’s thriving digital scene? Well, buckle up, because this blog post is your one-stop shop to launching your dream career.
Beyond job opportunities, building relationships with professionals already thriving in your desired field can be invaluable. Following these companies and connecting with current employees on platforms like LinkedIn can provide insights, mentorship, and potential career prospects.
Without further ado, let’s dive into the list:
Company Name | Website | LinkedIN Employees | Location |
Digital Voices Limited | https://www.digitalvoices.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Receptional | https://www.receptional.com/ | 50-100 | Bedford |
Harvest Digital Ltd | https://www.harvestdigital.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Clean Digital Limited | https://www.cleandigital.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Edinburgh |
Havas Media Limited | https://havasmedia.com/ | 1000+ | London |
Aira Digital Limited | https://aira.net/ | 10-50 | Buckinghamshire |
Mediaplanet Limited | https://careers.mediaplanet.com/locations/london | 250-500 | London |
Bo Digital Ltd | https://www.bodigital.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Cambridge |
Arke Agency Ltd | https://arkeagency.com/ | 10-50 | Brighton |
One Agency Media Ltd | https://oneagencymedia.co.uk/ | 50-100 | Manchester |
IMPRESSION DIGITAL LIMITED | https://www.impression.co.uk/ | 250-500 | London,Manchester |
Candyspace Media Limited | https://www.candyspace.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Hue & Cry Limited | https://huecryagency.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Publicis Limited | https://publicis.london/ | 100-250 | London |
UNRVLD | https://www.unrvld.com/ | 100-250 | London |
3 Heads Agency | https://3headsagency.com/ | 10-50 | Kempston Bedford |
Propeller Group Ltd | https://www.propellergroup.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Tongdigital Limited | https://www.tong.global/ | 50-100 | London |
Influence Digital Limited | https://influence.digital/ | 50-100 | London |
Bolt Digital Ltd | https://boltdigital.media/ | 10-50 | Hayes, Middlesex |
Droga5 UK Limited | https://droga5.co.uk/ | 500-1000 | London |
Mars Advertising Europe Limited | https://www.themarsagency.com/ | 500-1000 | Southfield, |
Inspired Agency Ltd | http://www.inspiredagency.co.uk/ | 10-50 | London |
Lynchpin Analytics Ltd | https://www.lynchpin.com/ | 10-50 | Edinburgh |
CEC Marketing Services Ltd | https://www.cecmarketing.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Bath, Somerset |
SLG Marketing Limited | http://www.slg.agency/ | 10-50 | Manchester |
Jellyfish Group Ltd | https://www.jellyfish.co.uk/ | 1000+ | London |
MediaVision | https://www.wearemediavision.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Brave Bison | https://bravebison.com/ | 100-250 | London |
Vertical Leap | https://www.vertical-leap.uk/ | 50-100 | Portsmouth, Hampshire |
Passion Digital | https://passion.digital/ | 10-50 | London |
Digital Unlimited Group | https://www.unlimitedgroup.com/ | 100-250 | London |
artefact | https://www.artefact.com/ | 1000+ | London |
Enjoy Digital | https://www.enjoy-digital.co.uk/ | 50-100 | Leeds, West Yorkshire |
Built Visible | https://builtvisible.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Atomic Digital Marketing | https://atomicdigitalmarketing.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Warrington |
Brainlabs Digital | https://www.brainlabsdigital.com/ | 500-1000 | London |
Digital Ethos | https://digitalethos.net/ | 500-1000 | London |
All Response Media | https://www.allresponsemedia.com/ | 100-250 | London |
Allied Global | https://alliedglobalmarketing.com/ | 500-1000 | Los Angeles, California |
Croud | https://croud.com/ | 500-1000 | London |
J2 Design Marketing Digital Ltd | https://j2.net/ | 100-250 | London |
Syzygy | https://www.syzygy.co.uk/ | 10-50 | London |
Assembly Global | https://www.assemblyglobal.com/ | 1000+ | London |
Reload Digital | https://www.reloaddigital.co.uk/ | 0-10 | London |
YIVA Digital | https://www.yivadigital.com/ | 0-10 | London |
Vendo Digital | https://vendodigital.co.uk/ | 10-50 | sutton |
Tag Digital Ltd | https://tagdigital.co.uk/ | 10-50 | London |
SINE Digital | https://sinedigital.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Repeat Digital | https://www.repeatdigital.com/ | 0-10 | Nottingham |
Preci | https://www.precisdigital.com/ | 250-500 | Stockholm |
Propel Digital | https://propeldigital.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Novi Digital | https://novi.digital/ | 10-50 | Lancaster, Lancashire |
We Are Social | https://wearesocial.com/ | 1000+ | London |
Roast | https://weareroast.com/ | 50-100 | London |
STRAT7 Limited | https://strategiq.co/ | 50-100 | London,Manchester |
Sleeping Giant Media | https://www.sleepinggiantmedia.co.uk/ | 50-100 | London |
8 Million Stories Ltd | https://8ms.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Adnomics | https://www.adnomics.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Edinburg |
Ceek Group Ltd | https://ceek.co.uk/ | 10-50 | London |
GroupM | https://www.groupm.com/ | 1000+ | London |
Gravity Global | https://www.gravityglobal.com/ | 250-500 | London |
ilk Agency | https://ilk.agency/ | 10-50 | London |
Silvertip Digital | https://www.silvertipdigital.com/ | 0-10 | Leeds and London |
Found Group Limited | https://www.found.co.uk/ | 100-250 | London |
Tug Group | https://www.tugagency.com/ | 100-250 | London |
Greenpark | https://greenpark.digital/ | 250-500 | London |
Full Communications Limited t/a Full Comms | https://fullcomms.co.uk/ | 10-50 | London |
Hogarth Worldwide Limited | https://www.hogarth.com/ | 1000+ | London |
Incubeta | https://incubeta.com/ | 500-1000 | London |
Infoserve | https://www.infoserve.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Kaizen | https://kaizen.co.uk/ | 50-100 | Leeds and London |
Kinase | https://www.kinase.co.uk/ | 50-100 | London |
Klick | https://www.klick.com/ | 1000+ | Kaisen |
Literal Humans | https://literalhumans.com/ | 10-50 | Toronto |
MAG | https://www.mediaagencygroup.com/ | 50-100 | London |
connective3 Ltd | https://connective3.com/ | 100-250 | London |
optimyzd | https://optimyzd.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Peterborough |
Brick Digital | https://brick-digital.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Watford,Hertfordshire |
Outfly | https://outfly.io/ | 10-50 | London |
Platypus Digital | https://www.platypusdigital.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Query Click | https://www.queryclick.com/ | 10-50 | Edinburg |
The Lane Agency | https://www.thelaneagency.com/ | 50-100 | Edinburg |
Super Nova | https://www.supernovada.com/ | London | |
Sample Digital | https://sampledigitallab.com/ | 0-10 | South kensington |
CTI Digital | https://www.ctidigital.com/ | 100-250 | Manchester |
Wired Media | https://www.wiredmedia.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Bristol |
Total Media | https://www.totalmedia.co.uk/ | 250-500 | London |
Time and Space Media Limited | https://timespacemedia.com/ | 50-100 | Halifax |
Socially Powerful | https://sociallypowerful.com/ | 100-250 | London |
Precious Media | https://www.preciousmedia.net/ | 10-50 | London |
Purecontent | https://purecontent.com/ | 50-100 | Norwich,Norfolk |
Multilocal Media Ltd | https://www.multilocal.media/ | 50-100 | London |
MTC | https://www.mtc.co.uk/ | 1000+ | London,Bristol |
Media works | https://www.mediaworks.co.uk/ | 100-250 | Gateshead |
Media Monks | https://media.monks.com/ | 1000+ | London |
The Media Image | https://the-media-image.com/ | 100-250 | London |
Kairos Media | https://www.kairosmedia.com/ | 100-250 | London,Manchester |
Indulge | https://indulge.digital/ | 10-50 | St Peter Port,Guernsey |
ING Media | https://www.ing-media.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Icrossing | https://www.icrossing.com/ | 250-500 | New York, NY |
Big Group | https://www.biggroup.co.uk/ | 100-250 | London |
Verkeer | https://www.verkeer.co/ | 10-50 | London |
Reply Limited | https://www.reply.com/en | 1000+ | Berenberg |
Bind Media | https://bind.media/ | 10-50 | 33 Oldfield Rd, Bath |
Digitas | https://www.digitas.com/en-gb/ | 500-1000 | London |
Finn Partners | https://www.finnpartners.com/uk/ | 1000+ | New York |
Dentsu | https://www.dentsu.com/ | 1000+ | London,Amsterdam |
Labelium | https://www.labelium.com/london | 500-1000 | London |
Spekk | https://spekk.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Mindshare | https://www.mindshareworld.com/ | 1000+ | London |
Pinpoint Media | https://pinpoint-media.global/ | 10-50 | London,Manchester |
Fibre Marketing | https://fibre.marketing/ | 10-50 | Cheltenham |
Uprise | https://upriseup.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Chesham |
iTech Media | https://itech.media/ | ||
Oliver Marketing | https://www.oliver.agency | 1000+ | London |
Adido Digital | https://www.adido-digital.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Bournemouth |
Ihomes lodon | https://internationalmediahouse.com/ | 0-10 | Adelaide, South Australia |
INTEGRAL MEDIA STRATEGIES LTD | https://www.integralmedia.com.au/ | 0-10 | South Yarra, Victoria |
Bark London | https://bark.london/ | 10-50 | London |
Digital Uncut | https://www.eskimoz.co.uk/ | 100-250 | London |
StudioHawk | https://studiohawk.co.uk/ | 50-100 | London |
Pinnacle Internet Marketing | https://pinnacleinternetmarketing.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Cardif |
media minds | https://mediamindsglobal.com/ | 10-50 | The Parade, Claygate |
Go up | https://www.goup.co.uk/ | 50-100 | London |
Model Media Ltd | https://www.nimblemedia.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Ashwell, Rutland |
Greenlight digital | https://www.greenlightdigital.com/ | 250-500 | London |
Precision creative and media | https://precisioncreativeandmedia.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Fareham |
PushON | https://www.pushon.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Manchester |
Hallam | https://www.hallaminternet.com/ | 50-100 | London |
Sherbet Donkey Media | https://www.sherbetdonkey.co.uk/ | 10-50 | Bromsgrove |
XeptionFlow Ltd | https://xeptionflow.com/ | 50-100 | Edinburgh |
Yay!Starter Marketing Ltd | https://yaystarter.com/ | 0-10 | London |
408 Media Group Ltd | https://www.408media.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Quadrangle |
Adverto Media Ltd | https://advertomedia.co.uk/ | 0-10 | Gloucester |
convertr media limited | https://www.convertr.io/ | 50-100 | Hackney |
BENGAGED MEDIA LIMITED | https://bengaged.io/ | 0-10 | London |
Visual soft | https://www.visualsoft.co.uk/ | 250-500 | Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland |
Fast Fwd Multimedia Ltd | https://www.fastfwd.com/ | 10-50 | Birmingham |
Macfarlane Media Limited /The Media Image | https://the-media-image.com/about-us/ | 100-250 | London |
Manta ray Media | https://www.mantaraymedia.co.uk/ | 0-10 | London |
Media Bounty | https://mediabounty.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Media Forty Two Limited | https://www.mediafortytwo.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Media Reach Advertising Limited | https://mediareach.co.uk/ | 10-50 | London |
White Spider Media Ltd | https://www.whitespidermedia.com/#home | 10-50 | Westminster,London |
IDHL | https://www.idhlagency.com/ | 250-500 | London,Leeds |
Bilendi Limited | https://www.bilendi.co.uk/ | 250-500 | London |
Black bridge | https://blackbridge.co.uk/ | 100-250 | London |
Bountiful Cow | https://www.bountifulcow.com/ | 10-50 | London |
Broadplace Advertising Ltd | https://www.broadplace.com/ | 50-100 | Leatherhead |
Embarking on a career in digital marketing is an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities for growth and innovation. By leveraging the opportunities presented by these 150+ digital marketing companies in the UK with sponsorship licenses, you can pave the way for a fulfilling and successful career in this dynamic industry.
Remember, it’s not just about finding a job—it’s about finding the right fit, nurturing relationships, and continuously learning and evolving in your craft. So, seize the opportunity, connect with industry professionals, and embark on your path to digital marketing excellence!